Beacon Pet Hospital

A-9711 Fifth Street
Sidney, BC V8L2W9


Canine Reproduction and Breeding


Successful breeding requires good planning, effort and money. Your reputation as a breeder is linked to the amazing puppies you sell and their happy new owners.

Are you looking to improve your breeding program?

From semen collection and ovulation timing with in house progesterone testing to C-Section and discounted puppy exams; we are a full service canine reproduction facility that can address all your dog breeding needs.


Reproduction Services:

  • Semen collection
  • Semen evaluation
  • Fresh chilled semen
  • Onsite progesterone testing
  • Ovulation timing
  • Artificial insemination: vaginal and surgical
  • Pregnancy diagnosis: ultrasound and digital x-ray
  • Caesarian Section
  • Litter examinations, vaccines and microchips

We are here to help you, please let us know how we can further assist you with your breeding program.

White Dog